A messy Team Interactions Modeling diagram, which doesn't follow the rules, and tries to represent the full enterprise

The most important part of Team Topologies is also the one most people overlook

Last year, during FastFlowConf, Matthew Skelton answered questions about what had changed/evolved since the Team Topologies book was published. In his own words, they (both authors) should have emphasized the team interactions and the evolution of the topologies over time as central themes for achieving a fast flow of value. We sometimes hear criticism that the...

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Adopting an Intentional Strategy for Managing Team Cognitive Load

I recently created an online cohort-based course, Effectively Manage Team Cognitive Load. Since the release of Team Topologies book, I have adopted its language and principles in my consultancy practice, supporting organizations in their digital transformation journey. I've noticed in the field that more people are aware of the effects of unmanaged Team Cognitive Load...

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My observations on the effects of CAPEX and OPEX on organisational behaviour

During my career, I’ve been involved in different digital transformations, ranging from financial to telco institutions. Those digital transformations aim to evolve the operating model (or parts of it) and bring digital capabilities to the forefront. As part of it, new ways of working are implemented, which leads to new practices to manage capabilities. You might recognise those digital transformations by other names, such as Agile transformation, DevOps transformation, or cloud transformation.

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Thoughts on organizing architecture

When being part of an enterprise, you will meet different architects on any given day. The first one introduces itself as a solution architect, the other calls itself the enterprise architect, and they both mention a domain architect. It might feel like different names for the same thing, and perhaps even a bigger question, do we even need all of these different architects? Should the team not be able to make all of these architectural decisions by themselves?

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