Adopting an Intentional Strategy for Managing Team Cognitive Load
My observations on the effects of CAPEX and OPEX on organisational behaviour
During my career, I’ve been involved in different digital transformations, ranging from financial to telco institutions. Those digital transformations aim to evolve the operating model (or parts of it) and bring digital capabilities to the forefront. As part of it, new ways of working are implemented, which leads to new practices to manage capabilities. You might recognise those digital transformations by other names, such as Agile transformation, DevOps transformation, or cloud transformation.
Skills required for a CTO – be transformational
Today, most companies have a CTO. Title, responsibilities, and expectations of the job may vary per company, as there is no singular definition of a “CTO”. But what I notice from various assignments in the software and technology industry is a convergence of the skills required to fill the role of a CTO.
Thoughts on organizing architecture
When being part of an enterprise, you will meet different architects on any given day. The first one introduces itself as a solution architect, the other calls itself the enterprise architect, and they both mention a domain architect. It might feel like different names for the same thing, and perhaps even a bigger question, do we even need all of these different architects? Should the team not be able to make all of these architectural decisions by themselves?
Mental models: a reflection on AWS outage
My reflection on the recent AWS outage (November 2020). Rather than focus on the technical aspects, and how technical dependencies can be managed, I will deep dive into social aspects; namely the mental models, and how they play in a sociotechnical system under stress. I will share my experiences in how to escape from the reliability trap
Organisational structures to create autonomy: what I’ve learned from my daughter
As a parent, I have the gift to see my daughter grow. I’m learning every single day, and I’ve some learnings that apply to organisations, allowing people and teams to be autonomous
Diverge and converge to create a Context Map
My experiences of applying some Design Thinking techniques to my Context Mapping workshops
Chaos Engineering as management practice
Chaos Engineering is perceived as a technical practice. However, it can be leveraged as a management practice to create a safe environment for individuals and teams. It is one of the practices that an organisation can leverage to be anti-fragile.