Effective test automation can help you speed up time to market and build quality in. However, when we start implementing test automation, we usually require multiple applications to accept a specific business feature, especially with a microservices architecture. These tests, which we call end-to-end tests, are a continuous delivery anti-pattern. In Continuous Delivery, we always want to be in a releasable state. With the aid of a pipeline, we make sure that each new commit for that application is automatically tested in isolation, making sure the expected behaviour is still working. However, if we use end-to-end testing, we either need to be dependent on other applications to be in a specific state or pull it out of the pipeline without building quality in.

Join us in this talk, to show you how to lower your end-to-end test automation with the help of Domain-Driven Design (DDD). We introduce you to the bounded context pattern and show how it can support you in your work. With the help of EventStorming we show you how you can make your test automation visible and gain new insights helping you to decouple your application.

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Xebia India Webinar week

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