Another look on tech

My thoughts on tech.

Build and secure containers to support your CI/CD pipeline

24 January 2019

There are 2 systems in any company that are critical: the payroll system, and the CI/CD system. Why? You may ask…
If the payroll system doesn’t work, people will leave the company and the company (may) face legal problems; the CI/CD system is the gateway to production. If it is down and there is a bug in production, it will affect your business; loss of revenue, loss of customers, loss of money, just to name a few.

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Using Flyway and GitLab to deploy a MySQL database to AWS RDS securely

13 January 2019

One of my passions is to be a trainer. Sharing knowledge, meeting new people, be continuously challenged, it fuels my brain, and I’m always learning something new. I’m creating a new training for software development teams, and one of the components is a MySQL database. Also, I’m using a public cloud provider (in this case AWS), and Xebia provides accounts to cover training, workshops and our own experiments.

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